In this article:
Mark Flinn gives you his top tips for finding your perfect home loan
Mark Flinn
At Yellow Brick Road Rosanna, we know that when it comes to home loans, the interest rate is the probably the most important factor, but it’s not the only one. Home loan rates are incredibly competitive right now, so make sure you’re utilising comparison websites to see what’s out there and don’t be afraid to look outside the big four banks. Smaller lenders often have lower rates, so it’s worth looking around to find the best deal. To get an even better rate speak to a Yellow Brick Road mortgage broker. Our brokers have the experience and resources at the tip of their fingertips just waiting to get you the perfect loan,
When you’re looking for a loan, also have a think about the features you’d be likely to access. An offset account is a popular one – it’s an account that links to your loan and allows you to reduce the interest you pay based on how much is in the account. So if you have a $200,000 loan and you have $50,000 in your offset, you’ll only pay interest on $150,000. A redraw facility is also important as it enables you to pay extra on your loan, but let you access that money if you need it down the track.
Still have questions? Make an appointment with one of our friendly mortgage brokers at our Yellow Brick Road Rosanna branch today!